Papers on Reparative Therapy

Papers Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals by Dr. Joseph Nicolosi

Articles About Dr. Nicolosi

  1. Conference in Italy with Dr. Joseph Nicolosi

Other Articles by Dr. Nicolosi

  1. What About the Masculine Type of Homosexual Man?
  2. What Is Reparative Therapy? Examining the Controversy
  3. Who Were the APA “Task Force” Members?
  4. Why Gays Cannot Speak for Ex-Gays
  5. Overcoming Gay Pornography: Identifying The Three Underlying Needs
  6. Homosexual Behavior as Reparative Theatre
  7. What if I Don’t Change?
  8. Why I Am Not a Neutral Therapist
  9. The Meaning of Same-Sex Attraction
  10. The Paradox of Self-Acceptance
  11. The Double-Loop Experience
  12. A Shared Delight
  13. The Three Phases of the Transformative Experience
  14. The Homosexually Oriented Man’s Relationship to Women
  15. Psychotherapy for the Sexually Confused Teenager
  16. The Power of Therapeutic Attunement
  17. The “Dr. Phil Show” Explores the Issue of Transgender Children
  18. APA Task Force Report — a Mockery of Science
  19. Summary of the 2009 American Psychological Association Task Force Report On Sexual Orientation
  20. So You Want to Be a Reparative Therapist….
  21. Fathers of Male Homosexuals: A Collective Clinical Profile
  22. Shame as an Avenue into Deep Grief
  23. Understanding SSA as a Signal
  24. The Primacy of Affect
  25. Attachment Loss and Grief Work in Reparative Therapy
  26. Clinical Issues: Grief Work
  27. Why Reveal the Dark Side of the Gay Movement?
  28. What is Homosexuality? Reorientation Therapists Disagree
  29. IMAGINE…
  30. A Critique of Bem’s E.B.E. Theory
  31. On the Pedophilia Issue: What the APA Should Have Known
  32. A Call for a More Inclusive Pluralism
  33. Excerpt from “A Parents’ Guide to Preventing Homosexuality”
  34. Why Won’t They Tell Their Story?
  35. Is Male Protectiveness Sexist?
  36. Gay as Self-Reinvention
  37. Rubin’s Vase: Focus of Reparative Therapy
  38. An Open Secret: The Truth About Gay Male Couples
  39. Should Human Nature “Function According to its Design”?
  40. Seeking Understanding Through the Arts:  “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,” A Psychoanalytic Study of Masculinity
For personal stories of men and women who have moved out of homosexuality, in addition to those available on this web site, please go to the website and see the section “Interviews/Testimonies.”

Welcome to I’m Joseph Nicolosi, Jr., the conveniently named son of Dr. Nicolosi. I’m also a clinical psychologist, researcher, and author. Enter your email here to get immediate exclusive access to two free audio chapters of my father’s book, Shame and Attachment Loss.

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