Articles on Reparative Therapy®

The American Psychological Association (APA) gave a female-to-male transgender graduate student its prestigious “Award for Distinguished Early-Career Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest.”

Ex-gay spokesman John Paulk left his wife and three sons after more than 20 years of marriage and rejoined the gay community.

Homosexual behavior is an attempt to “repair” the wound that left the boy alienated from his own innate masculinity.

A prominent psychologist says it is unconscionable to ban therapy to change unwanted homosexuality.

A psychoanalyst explores common developmental problems that lay the foundation for female same-sex attraction.

Gay activists have mobilized to stop clients from obtaining therapy for unwanted homosexual attractions. Falsely claiming that this therapy involves "shaming" the client or giving him electroshock treatment and

No one wants to be the bearer of bad news about a group that has suffered discrimination. But because homosexuality is rooted in a gender wound, the dark side of

Sometimes there is a block to the development of heterosexual intimacy...

Welcome to I’m Joseph Nicolosi, Jr., the conveniently named son of Dr. Nicolosi. I’m also a clinical psychologist, researcher, and author. Enter your email here to get immediate exclusive access to two free audio chapters of my father’s book, Shame and Attachment Loss.

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