Joseph Nicolosi Sr.'s widow looks back on his life and career.

Dr. Nicolosi (JN): In our continuing investigation of the clinical material, some recent work on the Narcissistic Family has added a deeper dimension to our understanding of the prehomosexual boy's experience.

There is within me, and I think there is within all of us, what I call the inner person -- the real me,” Gordon says. Sometimes the “real me” or
Jerry A. Armelli, M.Ed., is director of an ex-gay and AIDS counseling group called Prodigal Ministries which he founded in Cincinnati, Ohio, twelve years ago. He and his wife Mia

Marriage is something that I didn’t intend to seek out. I was very hesitant at first to pursue a significant relationship because I didn’t want it to be a political

Michael credited his gradual change to many things; a transformation in his understanding of the meaning of his same-sex attractions...

Recently, I sat down with Andrew Comiskey (M.Div.), founder and Director of Desert Stream Ministries. For over thirty years, Andrew has worked with sexually and relationally broken men and women.

On Tuesday, January 13th, I was a guest on the "Dr. Phil Show" when a segment was aired on children who want to be the opposite sex.